The Voice of Truth

What is that formula, you ask.

Let me tell you the formula of all formulas.

It is simple, laughably so.

Learn to love truth, only truth, nothing but the truth………

Truth will set you free.

Truth will make you unoffendable.

Truth is life to the bones and a cold glass of water to a weary soul.

The trick is to become convinced that there is quite a big difference between the truth, and your truth. Your truth is relative. Your truth might apply sometimes, but as a whole, it is a great sense of relief to discover that truth does not depend on you, or circumstances, or emotions.

I discovered this during the hardest time of my marriage. My husband and I had a relationship that was fractured. Our friendship was intact, allowing us to talk through conflict, however the leader/following aspect of our marriage was disrupted. I was floundering, not sure who to ask for help, and found myself crying out to God for truth. I told him I need to know the truth. The truth that removes this weight from my chest. I heard in my heart, “are you willing to sacrifice all, inbcluding yourself, to the truth?”

Immediately my tears dried, my heart was flooded with peace, and from that day on, I learned to watch out for those cross roads in life. These were cross roads I had never noticed before. Every time I approached one, one road led to my own truth. My feelings. My way. Me being right. The other one led to being willing to see the truth exactly as it is, even if it meant I was wrong.

Ouch. I had no idea I had been picking myself so often.

I also discovered when I chose truth, there is a tangible click as my gears slide into place. It felt like forward momentum instead of feeling stuck. Sometimes it really bit deep as I had to admit that I was wrong. (Why is it so hard to admit that I am wrong?)

The first several times I chose Truth over the other way, there was an almost unbearable pull towards The Other Way. The Other Way would feel good. I would be right, and it would be ok for me to be offended. However it always ended up being the way that brought no peace, no conflict resolution, and left me heart sick, knowing I chose wrong, and did so willfully. I knew this was sin, no two ways around it.

Choosing the way of Truth on the other hand, left me filled with energy and vigor to pursue a more transparent life. But more than anything it gave me courage. I no longer wondered if I was in the right. I knew what was right, and even if I was not in the right initially, I was able to change my mind and go right.

The most perfect plantain chip with the most perfect sauce, from the most delicious restaurants in the county. Guantes.

I don’t know that anything is more comforting than being able to change my mind and go right, from wrong. Sure, it bites the flesh, and sometimes it severely hurt my pride. But at the end of the day, I had forward momentum. Feeling stuck for me is like feeling like I am going backwards. Its a terrible feeling, especially when you have fought for what you have.

I am going to leave this blog short.

For one, I am tired this morning, and I am hungry right now. So my truth right this minute is that my son best get to cracking on ordering lunch. I am working at my husbands shop this morning because they needed a third man, and I am a good third man to pitch into the cracks.

That last paragraph is going to make my spell check go nutty. But its ok. Its my truth and right now my truth is hungry and brisk.

Ps. I am aware my pictures are all over the place, but this is my blog and by cracky, I will post the pictures I want.