Propaganda of the Dribbled Patriarchy
"Down with the patriarchy." Her face was apoplectic, and spittle came flying out of her mouth.
Fascinated, I stared at the picture of her over and over. There must be some major wounds behind all that energy.
You believe in the patriarchy; you don't believe in the patriarchy; I neither care nor give credence really to either of those viewpoints. Neither is infallible truth, especially not after so much flotsam and jetsom attach themselves to the belief. The only value in men's and women's roles is what can be found in scripture.
(Why does it surprise you that I have such a narrow viewpoint? I am an avid Christian. God has healed me, strengthened me, protected me, caught mice for me, and given me courage many times in the face of danger. So when I say I am a person who radically loves my God, you better believe it when I say I believe he is the only right and good way. He is as tangible to me as the computer in my hands.)
So when God tells us that the best role for a married woman is to be submissive and obey her husband, imma gonna be standing there waving my little flag in support.
When he tells my husband that he is to lay down his life for me as his wife and love me the same way Christ loved the church, I will believe that and accept with joy the lavish love my husband showers on me.
When God tells my husband and me that we are not to withhold our bodies from each other for any reason except prayer and fasting, I will assume God was smart enough to realize that we are sometimes exhausted, on our period, or not in the mood. I often get emails from women whose husbands refuse to have sex with them, which grieves me. But, of course, I know the opposite is true as well, women holding back from having sex from their husbands. My husband hears those stories.
I am known to have said a woman should not easily say "no." to her husband, which seems straight-up crazy to most people—even Christians who know what God says about sex.
I don't say that because I think a woman is subservient and should have sex with her husband, so he doesn't cheat on her. I say that because God says, "don't withhold your body from each other." It seems so succinct and practical to me.
But maybe I am oversimplifying it?
Maybe God meant us to not withhold our bodies only when we don't have headaches, are not tired, are not on our period, the stars have aligned, and our husbands have washed the dishes, vacuumed the living room, put his socks into the hamper instead of on the floor beside the couch. And the chicken in the back pasture is standing on one leg and squinting her eye.
I also recognize that we have been beaten with the stick of submission for so many years, for many of you its literally impossible to read those verses/chapters in the Bible without feeling white hot triggers rising to the surface. I cannot even imagine how angry God is that his beautiful plan was twisted and used to force women to bow to Satan in the name of Jesus.
It is sick.
Truly sick.
And now you are shocked that I am talking like this, right? You have been told that I am so complementarian that I would believe a woman should stay with her man at all costs, no matter if he is threatening her very life.
Ah hah. But you don't know me. You read my words through your filter of control and abuse and assume you know what I believe.
My heart for women is freedom: absolute freedom that breaks the chains of rape, molestation, fear, control, and manipulation.
We spend years hung up on what a man's role should be or making definitive statements about precisely what a woman's role is.
This is such a clever tactic of the enemy. Tie us all up, using the Bible for zip ties. We meekly stand there, our power cut off like Samson's hair, waiting to be controlled, manipulated, and ruined because of the gospel God gave us.
How are we not more intelligent than this by now? How is this madness still happening? How are we not seeing through his ploys yet?
This is precisely the unadulterated propaganda of weak men and women who need a better way than the Bible. If we all talk about how silly men are to need sex and how women should take over if the man won't lead, eventually it makes sense, and the mob blindly believes and follows the piper as he whistles cheerfully, all the way to the cliff and death.
This morning on the way to the airport I said urgently, "Dear, why aren't you driving on the road?"
"I am." He said.
"No, baby, look. We are on the side of the road."
We had blindly followed the car in front of us, and the cars behind us were blindly following us.
When you ride a motorcycle in a pack, it's extremely important that the man in the front is a good driver because if he goes off the road, the chances that the one behind him and the one behind him and so on will all follow the leader.
Whoo boy! Talk about eye-opening. God ain't with that granola.
God never said men need sex more than women. But, he does warn men about women over and over. So I imagine there is great danger for men to be tempted with their man parts.
God also never said we are to have sex, so our partner does not cheat. That is some of the richest nonsense I have ever heard. Why do we allow beautiful gifts from God to be turned into chattel under our feet like this? Why does no one stand up and say it? "A man is responsible for himself."
Umm, you know what else that means, right?
This means women are responsible for themselves as well, which is very uncomfortable because women no longer take responsibility in today's world of modern psychology. We don't even know how anymore. They castrated us, and we continue to lie here and ask if they want to take off even more.
Whatever spirit is in the world is always in the church on a much sneakier scale. And let me tell ya, sis. Every time you are coddled in your victimhood, the spirit that wishes you to lose your power, so you become impotent and inept, is also the spirit out wreaking havoc in the world, convincing women it's okay to have abortions because it's their body, their choice.
2 Timothy 3 talks at length about this subject of Godly womanhood in extremely uncomfortable language. The language that cuts the marrow off the bones and separates the sheep from the goats.
In the last days, there will be challenging times. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving; They will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. They will act religiously, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. So stay away from people like that. God sez.
Stay away from them, the people that act religious but reject the power that could make them godly.
Wow, ouch!
But he isn't done. A bit more carving must be done.
They are the kind who work their way into people's homes and win the confidence of vulnerable women burdened with the guilt of sin and controlled by various desires. Such women are forever following new teachings, but they can never understand the truth.
These teachers oppose the truth just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses. They have depraved minds and counterfeit faith, but they won't get away with this for long. Someday everyone will recognize what fools they are, just as with Jannes and Jambres.
Also, God's own words.
This is terrifying.
Did you read the same thing I did? Can you even grasp the significance of the wording in this chapter? He specifically addresses women and, even more specifically, vulnerable women.
Like it or not, for a married woman, a man at the helm of your home who you do not seek to control or manipulate is an incredible strength.
You were not told to respect him because or as long as he is respectable and good. You were told to respect him; because God said so. God also liberally talks about obeying, but I don't think I will really go into that right now as the spittle is flying and people be triggered and our plane just rolled up to the gates.
Adios South Caroliny and welcome Pennsylvania.
It's back into the mountains, my kitchen of oppression and to our children, we go, with great joy and delight.
If you are in the airport today, watch for a woman in a red dress with silver Teaks on her feet beside a tall man in a beautiful felt Stetson. We will probably be laughing helplessly and holding hands between our bags cause that's how we roll.
When we travel together, we have so much fun it's almost not legal. It's what happens when you push past obstacles and sticks together like burrs through thick and thin. You become best friends, comrades, and supporters of each other.
I know many of you are hurting so bad right now. Maybe our happiness grates like a block of cheese. Oh, if you could just see the depths of despair, offense, and the sin that God pulled us out of. If you could see that, you would have hope.
Today, the fight is not between you and your beloved. It is between you and the principalities and powers of darkness.
Rich blessings, friends.
If you hate me for this post, talk to the hand. Mama ain't with that granola.