Chamomile is life…
Do you remember the sleepy time tea box with the sleepy bear in a sleep cap? I was raised on Sleepy Time tea. One of its main components was Chamomile.
My Chamomile is my go-to when life is stressful, or when I struggle to sleep.
Chamomile is not powerful enough on its own to initiate drowsiness, however it does make for a profoundly relaxed body and mind.
Some years ago when I was still quite a young mother, I became plagued with panic attacks and severe anxiety. I developed some coping tics, and found myself almost at a wits end on how to heal myself. I was not wanting to get on anything synthetic for this. I wanted to heal myself from the inside out rather than cover up the symptoms. I stopped drinking coffee and started drinking Chamomile. Within about a month the anxiety and panic attacks had completely abated. I made a quart of chamomile infusion each morning and drank it over the course of the day.
Being a busy mother, I did not want to take time every day making and drinking the tea, so I developed my own tincture to make the process easy and quick. It allows me to have the benefits without the bother which is always a win win for a mama.
Dr Axe has an excellent page of information on chamomile.
And of course the disclaimer: The Salty Shepherdess makes no health claims regarding Chamomile.
These statements are not approved by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.